Vietnam vaccine order for Pfizer beginning in 17 July 2021

India covid death graph
India covid death data

Gibraltar has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world of 99%, and its interesting to note that the deaths were almost 0 for a long time until the same time that the vaccine was being rolled out. I noticed that the cases had begun spiking a month or so before that point and was interested in possibly why. Their wikipedia page states that "With increasing numbers of positive tests giving concern and to avoid another lockdown, the government announced it would increase capacity for tests to 1,000 per day with a saliva test for school users and workers every 2 weeks". So they had simply ramped up their testing rate.

Singapore appears to have a sharp increase in deaths starting around sept. 16th. I decided to look at the wikipedia page for Singapore vaccination. It appears that 2 things happened around sept 16th. On Sept. 20th, they ordered 101,000 doses of Sinovac, which is not clear if they were using extensively before. Other than that, they started to roll out booster shots to over 60 year olds on the 14th of September. This to me seems like the most likely explanation.

The spikes in deaths correspond perfectly in Antigua and Barbados to increases in vaccine doses given, and the most recent spike starts on Sept. 14th, exactly when this article was written.

This is not isolated to a couple of countries, this data appears to be the rule around the world rather than the exception.

COVID Deaths before and after vaccination programs
Thousands more people than usual are dying ... but it’s not from Covid
British Funeral Director: COVID-19 Deaths Were Inflated, Mass Vaccination Came Before ‘Huge Explosion’ In Death Counts
Children ages 5 to 1 now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine (Nov 3)
Michigan kids hospitalized with COVID-19 nears peak

54% increase since Nov. 3

Alexandra Latypova shows some covid vax batches were much deadlier than others
Myocarditis Following Immunization With mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Members of the US Military
US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike After COVID Vaccine Introduction
Higher Incidence of Myocarditis, Pericarditis Found After COVID-19 Vaccination
BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022
Sudden cardiac death in athletes: the Lausanne Recommendations

Myocarditis before covid (their argument). Still does not compare rates pre/post covid vax

1887 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1312 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination

Three days after the booster, blood work revealed damage to myocardial cells in some participants. That’s damage to 1 in 35 healthy, working-age adults.

Risk of Myocarditis After Sequential Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Age and Sex
Australia Ceases Reporting Cases of Myocarditis Post-COVID Vaccination
Rational harm‐benefit assessments by age group are required for continued COVID‐19 vaccination
A case of fatal multi-organ inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination
New German comparison study between COVID-19 unvaccinated and vaccinated, by Mathematician Dr. Hoppe, reveals: > Vaccinated got COVID-19 +18% more often. > No protection against severe disease. > Vaccinated have 2x more chronic problems after vaccination. > Menstruation of vaccinated women stopped 4x more often then of unvaccinated > Even for vulnerable no benefit visible. > In all age groups, vaccinated performed less than unvaccinated.