
The Drug Tragedy


Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health - Ivan Illich


This interview with a nurse during covid at a large public hospital shows first hand experience of a nurse of the hospitals bias towards placing people on ventilators. She states that almost 100% of the people placed on ventilators die, and that many are placed on ventilators when they are perfectly healthy. She brings up the extra funding they receive from placing these patients on ventilators, which is up to 20% per the CARES act.

The high death rates are cooborated by many first hand accounts and also studies studies studies studies studies studies that place the rate of death anywhere from about 30-90%. This shows that the earlier the patient is put on ventilators, the higher risk of dying. The irony of ventilation treatment is that guidelines for ventialation care include giving patients a slew of respiratory suppressant drugs, such as fentanyzl, benzodiazepines, propofol, etc.

Healthline states: "During the first wave of COVID-19, about 75 percent of people admitted to critical care units were placed on a mechanical ventilator. Now the rate is only about half of that, since medical professionals have more knowledge about how to best treat the disease. Being put on a ventilator is considered a high-risk procedure due to the potential complications. It also puts healthcare workers at risk by exposing them to the virus. One of the most common complications of using a mechanical ventilator is pneumonia, since the breathing tube allows bacteria and viruses to easily reach your lungs. Pneumonia is an infection of your lungs."

Dialysis encephalopathy caused by aluminum
Aluminum studies in dialysis encephalopathy
The Dialysis Encephalopathy Syndrome — Possible Aluminum Intoxication Dialysis encephalopathy secondary to aluminum toxicity, diagnosed by bone biopsy


Our Prescription Drugs Kill Us In Large Numbers
Your Health Care May Kill You: Medical Errors
Death by Medicine
Medical error - the third leading cause of death in the US
Aspirin misuse may have made 1918 flu pandemic worse
Mercury (quicksilver) used as a treatment to syphilis
Lobotomy, performed well into the 1980's
Vioxx drug dangerous, previously approved
Vioxx killed half a million? The facts are grim
Internal E-mails indicate merck was aware of vioxx risks
Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy", "Neutralize", or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors
Error in Medicine

Fever Reducers: Poor nutrition and a vitamin A deficiency are not the only factors known to increase measles complication and mortality rates. Standard treatment protocols may be detrimental as well. For example, when doctors administer antipyretics (fever reducers, such as aspirin) to control the rising temperature in measles patients, greater problems are likely. In one study during a measles epidemic in Ghana, Africa, children were divided into two groups. One group received antipyretics -- typical at many hospitals. Mortality was five times greater than in the group that did not receive this treatment (Figure 2).(24) Researchers concluded that "children with the most violent, highly febrile form of the disease actually had the best prognosis."(25) In another study conducted in Afghanistan, 200 children with measles were divided into two groups. Once again, members of one group received aspirin to lower fever. The study revealed that children receiving the antipyretics had prolonged illness, more diarrhea, ear infections and respiratory ailments, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and laryngitis, and significantly greater mortality rates.(26) According to Dr. Harold Buttram, who studied the data, "it could be inferred that interference with the natural course of the disease significantly dampened the immune responses of the children."(27) The authors of the study noted that the "adverse effect of antipyretics, which makes the course of the disease longer, facilitates superinfections which give rise to high mortality."(28) This study also suggests that "children suffering from measles should be kept warm enough in order to have fever and pass the disease safely."(29)

NSAIDS and flu
The Effect of Antipyretic Therapy upon Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients: A Randomized, Prospective Study
Is US Health Really the Best in the World
Is Tylenol 'By Far The Most Dangerous Drug Ever Made?'
Before the Vaccines: Medical Treatments of Acute Paralysis in the 1916 New York Epidemic of Poliomyelitis

"Adrenaline was injected intraspinally, but there were 100 cases with 45 deaths although Meltzer claimed that it aided recovery [8]. It was also given intramuscularly, although of 35 cases, 23 died. Quinine and urea hydrochloride were given intraspinally: three of six children given many doses by mouth and intramuscularly died."

The Death of Jesse Gelsinger, 20 Years Later
Thalidomide scandal
California's doctor-assisted deaths surged 63% to 853 last year: critics say state law is unconstitutional, has made it too easy to get lethal drugs, and 'steers' disabled people to suicide
Medical Error Statistics
Ignaz Semmelweis

Discovered puerperal fever from doctors not washing hands after autopsies. Main theory is this is because germs. Alternative is it was from formaledyde.

If Serotonin Doesn't Cause Depression, Then What Does?

Serotonin doesnt seem to cause depression, yet doctors still prescribe SSRI's, and no scandal for the previous people prescribed.

The State-Ordered Killing of Young Alfie Evans
Timeline: key events in the legal battle over Alfie Evans
Parker Jensen's parents lose cancer case rights battle
Gene Therapy Woes

The public first became aware of the dangers of gene therapy when healthy teenage Jesse Gelsinger died in September 1999 as the result of volunteering for a clinical trial for the inherited condition Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency. He died of toxic shock after receiving the adenovirus vector carrying the transgene.

Survival benefit seen for some patients when cardiologists are away at academic conferences
UNM Doctor Researches Toxic Side Effects of Rare Earth Metal Used in MRI Studies