Mercury, Aluminum, and Autism

A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population
Commentary--Controversies surrounding mercury in vaccines: autism denial as impediment to universal immunisation
Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002
Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?
What is regressive autism and why does it occur? Is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals and the ability to regulate neural temperature?
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders
A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism
Thimerosal Exposure and the Role of Sulfation Chemistry and Thiol Availability in Autism
B-Lymphocytes from a Population of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Unaffected Siblings Exhibit Hypersensitivity to Thimerosal
Theoretical aspects of autism: causes--a review
Conjugate vaccines and autism
Autism: a novel form of mercury poisoning
A prospective study of thimerosal-containing Rho(D)-immune globulin administration as a risk factor for autistic disorders
Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders
The potential importance of steroids in the treatment of autistic spectrum disorders and other disorders involving mercury toxicity
Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children
Cultured lymphocytes from autistic children and non-autistic siblings up-regulate heat shock protein RNA in response to thimerosal challenge
A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 1
The role of mercury in the pathogenesis of autism
Transcriptomic analyses of neurotoxic effects in mouse brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal
A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States
Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism
Mercury and autism: accelerating evidence?
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) use, measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and autistic disorder: the results of a parent survey
Thimerosal and Autism Timeline
69% increase risk in autism in all male children who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months

Vaccine and Autism- a New Scientific Review
Summary of previous Journal of Immunology
Autism and Resulting Medical Conditions
Mercury, Vaccines, and Autism
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autism disorder after 1979
Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth
Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine
Effect of thimerosal on the neurodevelopment of premature rats
Vaccine World Summit
Nanomolar aluminum induces expression of the inflammatory systemic biomarker C-reactive protein (CRP) in human brain microvessel endothelial cells

"For example, just 10 nM added aluminum (sulfate) to the hBMEC cells increased CRP in the external medium 4-fold" 10nM of aluminum is roughly 27nano grams of aluminum and as you can see here with 27 nano grams of aluminum they show crp increases (markers of inflammation) there are 250MICRO grams of alumthe average vaccine meaning there is roughly 1000-10000 times the amount shown here to cause inflammation is the average vaccine

Toby Rogers
Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity
Toxicity of ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a comparison with methylmercury
Continuous Exposure to Inorganic Mercury Affects Neurobehavioral and Physiological Parameters in Mice
Deleterious effects of chronic mercury exposure on in vitro LTP, memory process, and oxidative stress
Transcriptomic analyses of neurotoxic effects in mouse brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal
Neurotoxic effects of postnatal thimerosal are mouse strain dependent
Thimerosal History
Thimerosal Timeline
Macrophagic myofasciitis: an atypical presentation for a rare disease with a challenging approach
Macrophagic myofasciitis lesions assess long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminium hydroxide in muscle
Effect of routine vaccination on aluminum and essential element levels in preterm infants
In vivo absorption of aluminium-containing vaccine adjuvants using 26Al
Two drops of organic mercury killed a scientist
Toxic elements expelled in sweat
The role of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines raises issues that deserve independent, rigorous and honest science
Entry and deposit of aluminum in the brain

Flarend et al, source detected Al adjuvant in the brain, kidneys, spleen, liver, lymph nodes and heart. and found that most aluminum was retained in rabbits, even after 28 days - unlike the argument brought forward by Oxford Vaccine Group source which use to argue (in archives) that aluminum was excreted "in a few days", now thanged their wording to "gradually" Movsas Et Al, observed that "No significant change in levels of urinary or serum aluminum were seen after vaccination" - which prompts the question: where did the aluminum go? It was retained in the body, and also possibly through inflammatory granulomas at injection site. To be more specific, in the Flarend study - only about 6% (of Al hydroxide) or 22% (of Al phosphate) is eliminated in urine. Most aluminum adjuvant was retained in the body 1 month after injection been a while since i read these lol Also theres a specific mechscussed in other papers, on how Al adjuvant nanoparticles reach the brain this paper exposes a culture of monocytes (which eventually become macrophages) to Al Adjuvant (in vitro) - now one may argue, that macrophages inside the body may behave differently, which is a reasonable argument. There are other papers below, which rebut this argument. source "Following the injection of AlOOH-containing vaccine in vivo, mfiltrated macrophages bear crystalline inclusions of aluminum hydroxide. We assessed the presence of such inclusions in AlOOH-treated macrophages in vitro. By electron microscopy, we observed numerous, large crystalline inclusions in macrophages treated for 2 days with AlOOH (Fig. 2B and C), very similar to those observed in vivo" source and this paper provides also shows the same mechanism of macrophage uptake of alum particles (which CAN be transported across the BBB, effectively reaching the brain - possibly when macrophages are needed to counter brain inflammation) and these particles are less than less than 100 nm (hence nano) source It's essentially that the macrophages become polluted by alum particles, due to lack of enzymes to digest nanoparticles. And exploiting this, macrophages can access the BBB - it's sort of like a Trojan Horse. This mechanism has been explored in other treatments for cancer, especially brain cancer. source And this paper is about biopersistence, which shows alum particles being observed in various organs, even at 270 day mark in rats. 6-in-1 vaccine: Infanrix Hexa (0.82 milligrams) PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine):ar 13 (0.125 milligrams) MenB vaccine: Bexsero (0.5 milligrams) Pre-school Booster vaccines: Repevax (0.33 milligrams), Infanrix IPV (0.5 milligrams) and Boostrix-IPV (0.5 milligrams) HPV vaccine: Gardasil (0.225 milligrams) Teenage Booster vaccine: Revaxis (0.35 milligrams) HepB vaccine: HBVaxPro (0.25 to 0.5 milligrams, depending on which version of HBVaxPro is given) All these vaccines, have aluminum, and many of these are given to infants... IPV, 6-in-1, HepB... and in 1 mole, there are 27g of aluminum - this paper shows that at 10 nanomolar, alum can cause inflammation - which is 27g * (10^-9) * 10 = 270 nano grams, of aluminum. source A typical vaccine contains 250 micrograms (250,000 nano grams), in other words (270/250,000) less than 0.01 % of an alum vaccine can cause inflammation in organs. yet, each vaccine exceeds the "limit" by a factor of almost a thousand times

The Difference between ingested and injected aluminum
Gastrointestinal absorption of aluminum is low, generally in the range of 0.1-0.4% in humans
suggested that all of the inject Al may eventually be absorbed
51% of AP and 17% of AH injected intramuscularly were absorbed at 28 days, and absorption was continuing after 28 days
Human Health Risk Assessment for Aluminum, Aluminum Oxide, and Aluminum Hydroxide (Aluminum half-life in brain is 7 years)
Examination of the Safety of Pediatric Vaccine Schedules in a Non-Human Primate Model: Assessments of Neurodevelopment, Learning, and Social Behavior
Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain
Human exposure to aluminum
Aluminium in human brain tissue from donors without neurodegenerative disease: A comparison with Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and autism
The measurement and full statistical analysis including Bayesian methods of the aluminium content of infant vaccines
The health effects of aluminum exposure

It's the aluminum suspended in lipid nanoparticles, conjugated with surfactants like polysorbate that greatly open the blood brain barrier, to which the aluminum can biodistribute in lymph after being injected into muscle and then get into the brain. We only just recently discovered the connection between the lymph and nervous system/brain. Our brain detoxification system uses this and it's a 2 way system that distributes immunological factors, neurotransmitters, glutathione and antioxidants, etc. If there are any toxins in the lymph, especially lipid suspended toxins with surfactants, they VERY EASILY get into the brain. This is just objective and I will link the research below substantiating it. source Wanna know how we know vaccines cause autism, primarily through aluminum? Autopsy analysis of the brains of those with autism, as well as alzheimers and MS. They found INORDINATE amounts of Al compared to control. Vaccines are the only vector possible, oral cannot explain such quantities based on all available evidence. source Even with oral exposure, you only absorb 0.01% of it and it rarely goes systemic, nor does it ever go to the brain and deposit into tissue. source source Not only do we have these problems with biodistribution into the brain, we also have severe quality control problems with the vaccines and the amount of Al in the first place, thanks to the complete legal protection pharma has to not give a shit. Demonstrated in these 2 papers. source "However, we present the first robust data obtained using state-of-the-art methods on the aluminium content of vaccines currently being administered in infants. The data are not reassuring. They suggest that vaccine manufacturers have limited control over the aluminium content of their vaccines. The aluminium content of individual vaccines within vaccine lots vary significantly. The amount of aluminium an infant receives in a vaccine is, it would appear, akin to a lottery." source Here is the most damning revelation found. "It should be a matter of concern that a recent freedom of information act request (FOIA Case Number 50882, and HHS Appeal No.;19-0083-AA) revealed that the NIH were unable to provide a single study relied upon by them in relation to the safety of injection of aluminium adjuvants in infants" Here are 2 more papers discussing mechanisms of toxicity and autoimmunity. source source ------------------------------- So in summary, the autopsy brain analysis + quality control concerns + inherent vaccine design with adjuvant conjugations that open blood brain barrier = definitive CAUSAL evidence that vaccines cause autism. We'd know this for absolute sure if the gov/pharma did a double blind placebo RCT with long term health outcomes, but they refuse to do such studies for obvious reasons.

CDC Director's 2008 admission that vaccines cause autism on CNN
Infants' exposure to aluminum from vaccines and breast milk during the first 6 months

100-1000x more aluminum in vaccines than breast milk in first 6 months of life

Critical analysis of reference studies on the toxicokinetics of aluminum-based adjuvants

"In this context, given their serious conceptual and methodological weaknesses, the 3 available toxico-kinetic studies objectively constitute insufficient bases to guarantee the absolute safety of aluminum adjuvants administered at very large scale, in particular over the long term."

Identification of potentially relevant metals for the etiology of autism by using a Bayesian multivariate approach for partially censored values
The Severity of Autism Is Associated with Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Cell Glutathione Levels
Safety and efficacy of oral DMSA therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders: Part A - Medical results
Safety and efficacy of oral DMSA therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders: part B - behavioral results
Is the Goliath in Autism Research About to Fall?
Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum
Aluminum in brain tissue in autism